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This paper process-traces how European policymakers have delegated regulatory responsibilities to private certification and monitoring bodies acting as regulatory intermediaries. It explores how regulators can constrain or incentivise self-regulation that exists in their shadow via intermediaries, instead of using direct modes of regulation.

Internet governance

Internet policy politics - A Q&A with Marianne Franklin

Marianne Franklin, Goldsmiths University of London
PUBLISHED ON: 26 Sep 2018

Marianne Franklin is Professor of Global Media & Politics, convenor of the MA in Global Media and Transnational Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London. We interviewed her in advance of the five year anniversary celebration of our journal. Internet Policy Review: Marianne, you have been following the work of Internet Policy Review

The problem of future users: how constructing the DNS shaped internet governance

Steven Malcic, University of California Santa Barbara
PUBLISHED ON: 30 Sep 2016 DOI: 10.14763/2016.3.434

How did early network designers govern the internet before internet governance? With archival research, this article shows how designers conceived of the Domain Name System (DNS) as a solution to the problem of governing future network users.
