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Trade policy

Why trade is not the place for the EU to negotiate privacy

Margot Kaminski, The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
PUBLISHED ON: 23 Jan 2015

As negotiations progress over the EU-US free-trade agreement TTIP, it is natural that somebody will propose addressing privacy differences through trade. But several features of free trade agreements make negotiating data protection in the trade regime a very bad idea for the EU.

New global top-level domain names: Europe, the challenger

Francesca Musiani, MINES ParisTech
PUBLISHED ON: 06 Jun 2013 DOI: 10.14763/2013.2.134

gTLDs are the highest level of domain names in the domain name system, including .com, .net and .org; their number has been restricted to twenty-two for several years. This will change, as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) - the organisation responsible for managing and coordinating the system - rolls out a new gTLDs