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Cyberspace fragmentation: an internet governance debate beyond infrastructure

Paul Fehlinger, Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network
PUBLISHED ON: 17 Apr 2014

Since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 our international system is based upon the principle of territorial sovereignty. Today, however, cross-border online spaces made possible by the internet span across a system of fragmented national jurisdictions. Tension rises since we do not have the legal equivalent to the technical interoperability that

NETmundial: only a landmark event if 'Digital Cold War' rhetoric abandoned

Francesca Musiani, MINES ParisTech
Julia Pohle, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
PUBLISHED ON: 27 Mar 2014 DOI: 10.14763/2014.1.251

The dominant narrative about the governance of the internet in media and with high-level policymakers is misleading. Researchers Francesca Musiani and Julia Pohle explain what stands in the way of genuine multistakeholder internet governance as all eyes are turning towards Brazil and its NETmundial meeting.
