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Open access

Quality control on a high level is the key – A Q&A with Christina Riesenweber

Christina Riesenweber, Freie Universität Berlin
PUBLISHED ON: 10 Oct 2018

Christina, you’ve been an editor at an open access journal yourself and are now spearheading open access at Freie Universität Berlin. We have a candid and naive question for you: what does open access mean in 2018? I think that in 2018 it is pretty obvious that we’re not discussing whether open access is the way to go, but rather how we can ensure

Enforcement vs. access: wrestling with intellectual property on the internet

Sebastian Haunss, University of Bremen
PUBLISHED ON: 03 Jun 2013 DOI: 10.14763/2013.2.132

The last years have seen a growing politicisation of intellectual property issues, especially those relative to the internet. Sebastian Haunss assesses the current state of the policy field and draws attention to three parallel processes, which structure the future development of intellectual property policies related to the internet: the growing