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EU Data Retention Directive

Data retention: the directive is out. Are national laws next?

Sebastian Leuschner, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society
PUBLISHED ON: 09 Apr 2014

On April 8, the European Court of Justice made a clear decision invalidating the EU data retention directive. Legal scholar Sebastian Leuschner hits the floor running with an op-ed on what this landmark decision means for national data retention laws.

Cloud-friendly regulation: The EU’s strategy towards emerging economies

Osvaldo Saldias, Walter Hallstein Institute, Humboldt University
PUBLISHED ON: 04 Apr 2013 DOI: 10.14763/2013.2.119

Cloud computing is an inherently international matter, because it usually involves storage and processing of data in different locations. However, regulatory frameworks in non-EU contries do not always live up to European demands, i.e. concerning data protection. Looking at the EU cloud computing strategy, three political mechanisms can be