Net neutrality

The proof of the pudding is in the eating

Prof Dr Nico van Eijk, Institute for Information Law (IViR), Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam
PUBLISHED ON: 10 Feb 2014

The Netherlands is among the few countries that have put specific net neutrality standards in place. In this op-ed, Nico van Eijk verifies whether the rules are working or if they are just another example of symbolic regulation.

Cloud services

Cloud Service Brokerage: a policy-based business model

Claus Schaale, Cisco
PUBLISHED ON: 28 Nov 2013

The increasing complexity of cloud services has created the opportunity for a new business model: Cloud Services Brokerage. The answer to the interest in policy-aware cloud-solutions is choice, argues Claus Schaale (Cisco) in his guest post for the Internet Policy Review.
