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NETmundial: only a landmark event if 'Digital Cold War' rhetoric abandoned

Francesca Musiani, MINES ParisTech
Julia Pohle, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
PUBLISHED ON: 27 Mar 2014 DOI: 10.14763/2014.1.251

The dominant narrative about the governance of the internet in media and with high-level policymakers is misleading. Researchers Francesca Musiani and Julia Pohle explain what stands in the way of genuine multistakeholder internet governance as all eyes are turning towards Brazil and its NETmundial meeting.

Cloud-friendly regulation: The EU’s strategy towards emerging economies

Osvaldo Saldias, Walter Hallstein Institute, Humboldt University
PUBLISHED ON: 04 Apr 2013 DOI: 10.14763/2013.2.119

Cloud computing is an inherently international matter, because it usually involves storage and processing of data in different locations. However, regulatory frameworks in non-EU contries do not always live up to European demands, i.e. concerning data protection. Looking at the EU cloud computing strategy, three political mechanisms can be